The Amazing Local Water of Andeer (All Photos provided graciously by Noah Rayburn)
The namesake
Send the classic 'Jack the Chipper V9/7C' in a couple tries
WOW, so there is a simple truth when dealing with Switzerland and its 'best granite in the world'. #1 the aforementioned statement is 100% true #2 The prices on everything range from uncomfortably high all the way to outrageous #3 The weather can make or break your trip seemingly without any rhythm, in fact I would describe the weather as arrhythmic.
The weather booted from the Averstal area(ie Magic Wood) before the projects were finished and for me that really caused me to reevaluate the whole trip and timing to be much more focused on a sampling attitude instead of anything in the multiple day project range. Because of this switch the weather has been less stressful because I usually dont feel the need to return to anyone boulder. That being said I have done all the moves to several boulders that are in the V11 and V12 range so we will see what the timing, group, and rain have to say about it.
Given the extremely short windows of climbable weather in Ticino and Switzerland in general I haven't not felt like I have explored real maximum movement for me but I still have managed some absolutely world class bloks with sending, The Komilator V11/8A, Molunk V9/7C, Höhenrausch V8/7B+ and onsighting the incredable and scary Black Mirror slab V?.
I have added some pictures and I believe that the internet will be much more consistent so I plan on sharing much more.
As the weather has not been cooperating in Ticino we have bailed to a friends place in Austria and have hoping to explore the amazing areas that are not covered in snow yet.