Friday, June 27, 2008

Leavenworth Con't

Alright here is the deal gang. The summer is super hot in Leavenworth, I am talking 100Degrees-F. Basically I wake up on the crash pads melting and start the day with an all to normal(at this point)amond butter covered blueberry bagel. Then I hit the river which is actually near freezing still. Then it is time to make a pilgramage to where ever the universe desiced to take me via hitch hicking(usually end up in town) and then return for some possible cool night time temps. Today I got picked up by a rad guy nammed Dale and through a bit of conversation we found that him and his wife graduated from Colorado College the year I was born(crazy), so I helped them move for much of the day and it sounds like we will chase some better temps latter tonight.
Despite the heat I have done some rad problems and worked on some mega rad problems as well. I tried the 'Coffee Cup V10' and came super close, I am psyched to try it again. Hopefully there will be some good news for an update tonight. Staying Psyched.

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